Our Mission: To Know Christ and Make Him Known

The purpose of the church is to provide for the individual believer a spiritual family environment where worship, teaching, fellowship, encouragement, exhortation and equipping can take place to enable the Christian to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the Great Commandment (Mark 12:29-31) and glorify God by bearing much fruit (John 15:8.)

  1. By meeting together on a regular basis for fellowship, teaching, worship, and inspiration.
  2. By proclaiming the gospel to the unsaved and by the regular financial and prayer support of mission efforts made locally and throughout the world.
  3. By encouraging and developing the individual ministry gifts in serving one another and working toward Christian maturity and growth.
  4. By promoting and encouraging systematic Bible scholarship and obedience.
  5. By encouraging and teaching active and complete dependence upon God’s Holy Spirit for understanding, fruitful ministry, discernment of truth and inner strength.
  6. By holding one another accountable to a Biblical lifestyle and supporting one another in weakness and failure.
  7. By encouraging and teaching the body to become a people of prayer and intercession.